Tips and Tricks: Spring Cleaning!

Spring Has Sprung!

For homeowners, home maintenance is critical to keeping their biggest investments safe, comfortable, and beautiful. But getting started on that seemingly endless spring cleaning list can be daunting! That’s why we are starting a special series of articles: Tips and Tricks: Spring Cleaning! Watch for tips on getting your home in tip-top shape. This week we want to focus on the first step:

Inspecting the Home

Outside the Home:

  1. Inspect roof and chimney for broken or missing tiles or shingles
  2. Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts
  3. Inspect condition of siding/stucco, paint, masonry, and trim
  4. Inspect condition of all doors and windows
  5. Inspect foundation

Inside the Home:

  1. Inspect interior paint
  2. Inspect cabinets and counters
  3. Inspect electrical panel
  4. Inspect caulking and grout around bathtubs, showers, and sinks
  5. Inspect carpet

Use the checklist here to work through the inspection and mark which areas need attention. In this way you can start forming your spring cleaning to-do list, while at the same time thoroughly checking out your home. You can also find more maintenance tips in our Maintenance Manual found in the Homeowner’s Corner.

Next week we will start tackling some of these tasks and many more so stay tuned!